Slowing Down and Practicing Turtle Time

It’s easy to get caught up in the rush of our daily grind. Particularly when we are juggling many responsibilities, managing multiple priorities, and trying to accommodate work and play schedules. It’s easy to feel burnt out, overwhelmed, hurried, pressured, overworked, and underappreciated.

Taking time to slow down is critical. Lull is part of our creative process.

We handle our challenges better when we are well rested and can take the time to be present with our task or activity. When we sleep, we process in our subconscious and work out puzzles and find insights to questions we have in our waking moments. When we take time to slow down, sit a spell, cop a squat, put our feet up – however you like to chill – it is time well spent and is an essential part of creativity.

Slowing down our pace means speeding up our observations.

Allowing ourselves time to contemplate and reflect leads to wisdom. Allowing ourselves time to just be – not overthink, not question, not fret or worry about a thing – just to sit until you connect with a knowing that you do know everything you need to know. Staying still long enough to take in your surroundings, to invite inspiration and wonder leads to more frequent sightings of things that bring us joy and provoke our curiosity. Choosing to take a path of least resistance affords us more energy for the things that light us up!

One of my favorite activities is snorkeling with sea turtles because their ascent is completely effortless and breathtakingly graceful and witnessing it fills me with extreme gratitude and awe. If you’ve been fortunate enough to see them in person, they often feed in the grass on the sea’s bottom and when they rise to the surface for a breath of air, they do so simply by lifting their front fins. They remind me of how simple it can be when we just go with the flow. The turtle scene from Finding Nemo might have just popped in your head too…another fantastic illustration of turtle time, taking it easy and still getting to where you need to be.

The more you practice aligning with Divine Will and Flow, the more often you will find yourself at ease, exactly where you need to be, synchronicities abound, and everything always works out for you.

You can use these affirmations when you are intentionally working on carving out more downtime & trusting the timing of things: I allow myself to take time to chill, rest & restore myself. I know what I need to know when I need to know it. I’m always in the right place, at the right time, with the right frame of mind.

Try experimenting with these Essential Oils for rest/relaxation too: Lavender, Bergamot, Chamomile, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Vetiver (anti-anxiety), Ylang Ylang (stress relief)

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