Robin Ritz

Meet Robin Ritz

The heart-centered creative spirit, muse, and coach

My work is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations help themselves.

Using Kaizen Muse Creativity Coaching techniques combined with Ancient Wisdom and Modern Day Magic to work through inefficiencies and common blocks such as overwhelm, procrastination and self-sabotage. I assist with the recognition of destructive patterns and facilitate the creation of new pathways for success. Drawing upon decades of business experience, spiritual practice and artistic endeavors, I work with engaged leaders and healers who seek to ‘take the high road’ and are motivated to make a positive impact within their global community. I facilitate assentation from 3 to 5-D living, working with all stages of growth; from the spiritually curious to the spiritually mature. I honor the creative intentions of each individual and provide awareness, guidance, tools and resources for their unique Spiritual Development. My goal is to empower and foster a connection to authentic Joy.

Quotes to Live by